About Me

Hello! Ndewo!

This is my official website (est. 2022). I am a scientist and a full-stack software developer with many years of experience in both science and software development. While pursuing my education in pharmaceutical science, I taught myself programming in my free time. As a scientist, I am skilled in various aspects of PK/PD and PB/PK modeling. Take a look at my complete scientific CV. As a freelance software developer, I have designed and programmed (for clients and myself) a lot of apps in various disciplines. I have recently taken offline many of my personal web projects due to maintenance costs. I am experienced in languages such as JavaScript, Java, PHP, SQL, CSS, R, C++ and more. I can basically help you setup servers on many popular hosting services, and build you a website or software from ground up. In my spare time, I play soccer and also help in the management of Worcester Warriors FC, a semi-professional soccer club.

I created, own and maintain a number of (still active) websites including rpkg.net, shinyappstore.com, coursewhiz.org.

My Resume

  • Work Experience

  • Principal Scientist II

    Johnson and Johnson - 2024 - Current

    Scientist in pharmacometrics supporting various therapeutic areas

  • Principal Scientist I

    Johnson and Johnson - 2023 - 2024

    Scientist in pharmacometrics supporting various therapeutic areas

  • Assistant Director

    Cognigen Division of Simulations Plus - 2022 - 2023

    Worked primarily as a scientist in PK/PD analysis

  • Scientist Developer

    Cognigen Division of Simulations Plus - 2019 - 2023

    Worked as a scientist specializing in PK/PD analysis and as a software engineer, helping to develop in-house software to automate various pharmacometric processes.

  • ORISE Fellow

    U.S Food and Drug Administration - 2018 - 2019

    Research focused in understanding the effect of bias in bioanalytical method development for large-molecule drug candidates.

  • Education

  • Doctorate Degree

    University of Maryland Baltimore - 2013 - 2018

    Research focused on the development of WNT/Beta catenin pathway inhibitors.

  • Masters Degree

    University at Buffalo - 2011 - 2012

    Major research focused in pharmacokinetics of a date-rape drug.

  • Bachelors Degree

    University at Buffalo - 2007 - 2012

    Fulfilled double major degree requirements in Pharmcology & Toxicology and Pharmaceutical Sciences

  • Graduation

    Command Secondary School Ipaja - 2000 - 2006

    Completed major course work and requirements as a science student

Let's collaborate!

Looking to collaborate on an interesting project, I am available. But obviously it should be non-science stuff and more open source related.

Contact Me

Web Projects

Websites that I developed and currently maintain

Est. Aug 2022


A platform to search through over 20K R packages, authors, compare and view examples across various packages based on name or keywords in their descriptions.

Est. Aug 2023


The leading platform for a wide range of Shiny applications developed with the shiny R package. Features well-designed apps with detailed descriptions and evaluations by users.

Est. Jan 2023


Like Google Scholar, R scholar presents a tabulated and comprehensive list of author R packages and citations.

Published R Packages


Version: 2.3.0

Lightweight Modern & Responsive Card Component for "shiny".

Lifecycle: stable


Version: 0.1.0

Enhance Your "Rmarkdown" and "shiny" Apps with Dazzling Fireworks Celebrations.

Lifecycle: stable


Version: 2024.2

Highly Customizable "rmarkdown" Theme for Scientific Reporting.

Lifecycle: stable


Version: 1.0.3

Quick and Essential "R" Tricks for Better Scripts.

Lifecycle: stable



Country Data with Names, Capitals, Currencies, Populations, Time, Languages, and so on.

Lifecycle: stable


Version: 1.9.2

In-Text Resize for Images, Tables, and Fancy Resize Containers in "shiny", "rmarkdown", and "quarto" Documents.

Lifecycle: stable


Version: 1.2.1

Seamless Integration of Sharing and Connect Buttons in Markdown and Apps.

Lifecycle: stable


Version: 0.1

Upgraded "Rmarkdown" Themes for Scientific Writing.

Lifecycle: stable


Version: 1.3

Secure in-Browser and Database Storage for "shiny" Inputs, Outputs, Views, and User Likes.

Lifecycle: stable


Version: 0.2

A Mini-Dictionary for "R", "Shiny", and "Rmarkdown" Documents.

Lifecycle: stable


Version: 0.2

Shorten Function Names of Functions in Another Package and Create an Index to Make Them Accessible.

Lifecycle: stable


Version: 1.4

Symbols for "Markdown" and "Shiny" Applications.

Lifecycle: stable


Version: 1.1.4

Simple User Interface to Build Equations and Add Symbols.

Lifecycle: stable


Version: 2.1

Craft Exceptional "R Shiny" Applications and Dashboards with Novel Responsive Tools.

Lifecycle: stable