This is my official website (est. 2022). I am a scientist and a full-stack software developer with many years of experience in both science and software development. While pursuing my education in pharmaceutical science, I taught myself programming in my free time. As a scientist, I am skilled in various aspects of PK/PD and PB/PK modeling. Take a look at my complete scientific CV. As a freelance software developer, I have designed and programmed (for clients and myself) a lot of apps in various disciplines. I have recently taken offline many of my personal web projects due to maintenance costs. I am experienced in languages such as JavaScript, Java, PHP, SQL, CSS, R, C++ and more. I can basically help you setup servers on many popular hosting services, and build you a website or software from ground up. In my spare time, I play soccer and also help in the management of Worcester Warriors FC, a semi-professional soccer club.
I created, own and maintain a number of (still active) websites including,,
Scientist in pharmacometrics supporting various therapeutic areas
Scientist in pharmacometrics supporting various therapeutic areas
Worked primarily as a scientist in PK/PD analysis
Worked as a scientist specializing in PK/PD analysis and as a software engineer, helping to develop in-house software to automate various pharmacometric processes.
Research focused in understanding the effect of bias in bioanalytical method development for large-molecule drug candidates.
Research focused on the development of WNT/Beta catenin pathway inhibitors.
Major research focused in pharmacokinetics of a date-rape drug.
Fulfilled double major degree requirements in Pharmcology & Toxicology and Pharmaceutical Sciences
Completed major course work and requirements as a science student
Looking to collaborate on an interesting project, I am available. But obviously it should be non-science stuff and more open source related.
Websites that I developed and currently maintain
The leading platform for a wide range of Shiny applications developed with the shiny R package. Features well-designed apps with detailed descriptions and evaluations by users.
Enhance Your "Rmarkdown" and "shiny" Apps with Dazzling Fireworks Celebrations.
Secure in-Browser and Database Storage for "shiny" Inputs, Outputs, Views, and User Likes.
Shorten Function Names of Functions in Another Package and Create an Index to Make Them Accessible.
Craft Exceptional "R Shiny" Applications and Dashboards with Novel Responsive Tools.